Eye Care Tips :
1. You could be having Cataract if you have :
2. To Prevent Eye Injuries :
4. Glaucoma :
An eye with marked changes of Diabetic Retinopathy can have good vision and be totally free of symptoms.
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), a relatively new condition, is the complex of eye and vision-related problems associated with computer use affecting millions of people. The primary symptoms are eyestrain, blurred vision, dry and irritated eyes, tired eyes, and headaches. Neck and backaches can also be related to the way that we use our eyes at the computer. This happens because staring at a computer screen causes a significant reduction of the normal blink rate. Hence washing of the corneal surface of the accumulated dust, debris and tear waste products is delayed; instead they have a longer contact time with the cornea producing ocular surfacing problems and eye fatigue. The following steps can help alleviate your symptoms: To ensure comfort while working on the computer :